unpublished, possibly avail. for licensing outside of the U.S.) -- There's been lots of Stateside music biz chatter about this Arlington, TX-based band for well over a year now... The team at Atlantic smartly locked them in for a development deal last year and the band has been recording new tracks for a few months now (one of the newbies, "Sleep By Your Grave," can be heard on the band's
MySpace page). Do yourself a favor and go to
CD Baby to buy their
Volume IV CD -- you'll thank us later. With
Maiden-like dueling guitars and intense vocals with hooky choruses, this band could do quite well on U.S. Active Rock radio and would undoubtedly see MUCH love in mainland Europe. We can totally hear these songs placed in video games as well as any/all action/sports film/TV programs. In our opinion, there aren't very many acts of this particular genre that are currently 'doing it right' -- The House Harkonnen does it REALLY right.